Tabletop Breach Simulation for GCs

Hot on the heels of The Battle for Talent, the GC Forum now pivots to another pressing issue keeping law department leaders up at night – a data breach.

Imagine the following scenario…

It’s Friday afternoon before a long weekend and you get the call you’ve been waiting for all day – “Yup, we’ve been hacked … and it’s bad” – the dreaded confirmation from IT of a privacy breach. Call off the cottage, you’ll be on calls for the foreseeable future navigating the fog of a cyber breach and managing many, many nervous stakeholders.

On April 21, 2022, Carole Piovesan of INQ Law will be leading an interactive session for GC Forum participants that will simulate a privacy incident response process. Throughout this session, participants will work through a hypothetical breach to discuss strategies for assessing and implementing a breach response process, including notifications to affected individuals and regulators. By the end of the session, law department leaders will have explored some of the practical and legal implications of a breach and they will have developed a preliminary map to create a better breach preparedness plan in their organization.  

For those Canadian GCs, CLOs and other law department leaders interested in participating, please contact Peter Nguyen at peter[at]

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